Word of the Day
plainsong | |
Definition: | A liturgical chant of the Roman Catholic Church. |
Synonyms: | Gregorian chant, plainchant |
Word of the Day
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Article of the Day
Article of the Day
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Daily Grammar Lesson
Daily Grammar Lesson
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Idiom of the Day
golden gooseA person, thing, or organization that is or has the potential to earn a lot of money for a long period of time. Taken from a folk tale of a goose that would lay a golden egg once a day, but was killed by its owner because he wanted all of its gold at once. |
Idiom of the Day
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This Day in History
This Day in History
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Today's Birthday
Today's Birthday
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Today's Holiday
Turkmenistan Independence DayThis national holiday commemorates Turkmenistan's independence from the U.S.S.R. on October 27, 1991. Turkmenistan and other republics were gradually able to establish their own autonomous states due to the relaxation of Soviet rule influenced by the policy of perestroika. When the Soviet Union ceased to exist in December 1991, their independence was assured. More... |
Today's Holiday
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Quote of the Day
A man's silence is wonderful to listen to.
Thomas Hardy (1840-1928) |
Quote of the Day
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Word Trivia
Today's topic: observercamera lucida - An optical device consisting of an attachment that enables an observer to view simultaneously the image and a drawing surface for sketching it. More... horoscope - Comes from Greek hora, "hour, time," and skopos, "observer." More... obverse - Its first meaning was "turned towards or facing the observer." More... zenith, nadir - Zenith derived from Arabic samt ar-ras, "the way or road above one's head"; zenith technically is the point directly above the observer and nadir is the point directly below. More... |
Word Trivia
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Match Up
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